Tuff Toe Curling Club Blister Pack Design. Created in Illustrator. 
Product Line Sheets created in Photoshop and Illustraot

Product line sale sheets created in Photoshop and Illustrator

Packaging redesign created in Illustrator. (Front)
Packaging redesign created in Illustrator. (Back)
Full page advertisement created for national magazine Plumbing and Engineering Mag. Promoting lead-free commercial sillcocks. 
Booth invitation for email and social sites
Label and branding redesign for this company. 
New social icon for Facebook
National trade show booth graphics. Created with Photoshop and Illustrator. One of five graphics created for this booth.
Monthly sales flyer. Custom design created in Illustrator
Custom logo created for blog site. Created in Illustrator.
Logo created for new CBD cosmetics company

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